Sunday, 17 January 2016

'Gordon's Alive!'

With an awkwardly crow-barred in 80s reference leading the way in the post title (perhaps showing my mental age with this one), I'm cracking the proverbial champagne cork against the prow of what I hope will prove to be a mighty and able vessel. The H.M.S. "My Blog" is officially leaving port on the maiden voyage. 

Here's hoping it won't be another Titanic in the works...

I was goaded into action to make a blog by members of local wargaming group The Yorkshire Renegades, as they seem to be the new hotness at the moment - it also seems like a good way by which I can force myself to make at least SOME regular progress with my modelling. 
As anyone close to me will attest, I'm an incredibly pro-active collector of model kits; actually doing anything with those kits is a very different issue, however. 

Describing my efforts as "lazy" would be an injustice to the concept of laziness - as a somewhat accidentally permanent student I feel fully justified in classing myself among the ranks of professional procrastinators, and so hopefully this blog will serve as a means by which to motivate my lazy arse into action once in a while. 

I'll try and stick to a rough schedule of uploading something once a week be it progress made on models, an interesting article and discussion thereof or just an important update. 

However, hopefully people will stick around and keep an eye out for future updates. 

Ta-ta for now!

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